
Mozambique: Nó da Gaveta Literary Contest supported by PROCULTURA gives awards to three works of fiction


They are “O Sonho de Chinguana” (“Chinguana’s Dream”) by Cleyde Pamela, 20 years old (from Nampula, northern Mozambique); “As Aventuras de Manuelito” (“Manuelito’s Adventures”), by João Batista, 30 years old (from Manica, central Mozambique); and “O Outro lado das flores” (“The Other Side of the Flowers”) by Laliana João Mahumana, 19 years old (from Maputo, southern Mozambique).

PROCULTURA, which promotes employment in income-generating activities in the cultural sector of PALOP and East Timor, is an initiative by the PALOP-TL and EU programme, funded by the European Union, co-funded and managed by Camões, I.P. and co-funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

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